Plant soil correlation study

Plant soil correlation study number 12, north fork of Las Cruces arroyo, Organ Mountain drainage. This type is found in many of the arroyo bottoms. The vegetation is composed of 50 percent Larrea glutinosa, 25 percent Prosopis glandulosa, 10 percent Fallugia paradoxa, 5 percent Chilopsis linearis, 5 percent Coleosanthus sp., and 5 percent Gutierrezia sp. The average density is .15 and the forage acre factor .01. Wind erosion varies from slight to moderate while sheet erosion is moderate. The soil material is recent alluvium (Riverwash), unstable and subject to decided changes during any inundation. It consists of stratified and bedded mostly loose gray sands and stony gravel to a depth exceeding 12 feet. Original photo number 147.


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