Photo detail

Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 1936:04:20 16:05:27
Orientation 1: Normal (0 deg) Resolution Unit Inch
X Resolution 300 dots per ResolutionUnit Y Resolution 300 dots per ResolutionUnit
Compression Jpeg Compression Keywords roots Sporobolus flexuosus root Sporobolus
Caption Root habit of Sporobolus flexuosus immediately below surface. Roots extend diagonally downward with no shallow horizontal roots. This root habit explains why this species is found in soils having rapid and deep penetration. It also shows why it is crowded out by the finely branched shallow roots as found on black grama if the grama is allowed to develop. If grama is weakened or destroyed, the water can then penetrate down to sporobolus roots and the latter species will increase at the expense of the former if usage is not too severe. Plant soil correlation study number 5. Original photo number 305.