Photo detail

Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 1936:04:20 16:05:27
Orientation 1: Normal (0 deg) Resolution Unit Inch
X Resolution 300 dots per ResolutionUnit Y Resolution 300 dots per ResolutionUnit
Compression Jpeg Compression Keywords Hilaria mutica Scleropogon brevifolius tobosa plant soil correlation
Caption The area on which the plant soil correlation station number 4 was located. The vegetation of the area is composed of 65 percent Scleropogon brevifolius and 35 percent Hilaria mutica. The average density is .50 and the forage acre factor is .10. The area is an undrained basin, with no micro-relief. Micro-relief consists only of occasional accumulations in grass bunches a few inches high. The area is subject to occasional flooding and corresponding deposition of fine material. The topsoil is very fine sandy loam, the subsoil, gritty silt loam. At an average depth of 3 feet the soil grades into crystalline gypsum. Original photo number 128.