Photo detail

Color Space Uncalibrated Flash No Flash
Date/Time 1936:04:20 16:05:27 Orientation 1: Normal (0 deg)
Resolution Unit Inch X Resolution 300 dots per ResolutionUnit
Y Resolution 300 dots per ResolutionUnit Compression Jpeg Compression
Keywords Bouteloua eriopoda Sporobolus flexuosus vegetation plant soil correlation Caption View of plant correlation, station number 1. The area is two miles from permanent water and has been under controlled management for the past 20 years. The vegetation is composed of 70 percent Bouteloua eriopoda, 17 percent Sporobolus flexuosus, and 10 percent Yucca elata, the average density is .25 and the forage acre factor is .15. The soil is deep loamy sand. The slope gradient is 2.5 percent, micro-relief seldom exceeds hummocks a few inches high; drainage ways are wanting. A horizon of very weak compaction extends from one to two foot levels below the undisturbed surface. The subsoil below this depth is slightly carbonate cemented, grading into a caliche substratum at an average depth of five feet. Erosion on the area consists of slight sheet and wind erosion both which are partly stabilized. Original photo number 127.