Photo detail

Color Space Uncalibrated Date/Time 1916:04:01 16:05:27
Orientation 1: Normal (0 deg) Resolution Unit Inch
X Resolution 300 dots per ResolutionUnit Y Resolution 300 dots per ResolutionUnit
Compression Jpeg Compression Keywords grama grass rotation grazing utilization quadrat
Caption Small protected area and quadrat M 8 P in Pasture 12, about ¾ miles west of corner Pasture 9. Closeness of utilization of grama grass in Pasture 12 by deferred and rotation grazing. Old cured grama grass inside enclosure has been protected 3 years. Jornada Range Reserve. New Mexico. United States Forest Service Washington D.C. Black and white images hand painted directly on glass with either transparent oil paints, aniline dyes or watercolors by colorists. Glass lantern slides were sometimes baked after painting to set paint layers.