Keywords |
black grama mesquite sand dropseed snakeweed Pasture 10 Pasture 5 black grama mesquite sand dropseed snakeweed photo point |
Caption |
Taken from same point as photo number K-1157 but looking south (this point is 14 chains east of the southeast corner of pasture 5 in pasture 10). This is a repeat of Little's photo number WO 315523. Note the change in cover from almost bare sand to a fair cover of black grama 60 percent, sand dropseed 10 percent, snakeweed 30 percent. In area between photo point and mesquite in the background ocular density about .25. Note also the increase in size of mesquite in the background. (Change from bare sand in 1935 to black grama in 1947. Same as photo number 450448, different view.). Original Photo Number 450446.